Who can foster
Our fostering community all have one thing in common: we care! If you do too, chat to our team about starting your foster family.
There are very few barriers to applying to become a foster carer – just like every child is unique, so are our foster carers.
You could foster a child for a single night, weeks, years or until adulthood.
Our foster carers are everyday people
To foster, you will need:
- a spare room exclusively for the foster child
- to be over 21 years old (there's no upper age limit)
- to have full residency within the UK or indefinite leave to remain
We welcome applications from all members of the community regardless of age, ethnicity, sexuality, gender identity, religion, relationship status or family history.
Your qualities
As a foster carer, you will need to have:
- available time and a flexible lifestyle
- good communication skills
- sensitivity and understanding
- patience and the ability to remain calm in stressful situations
- the ability to work as part of a team
- good record keeping skills
- the ability to set firm boundaries and manage children's behaviour
Debbie's story
Debbie has been fostering with Buckinghamshire Council for 13 years and tells us about her fostering journey.
Your questions, answered
We know you may have questions, we're here to help.
When it comes to fostering, there are no upper age limits, but it is expected that carers are healthy and mature enough to work with the complex needs that some children may have.
Applicants wishing to care for children under 12 should be aged 21 or over. To be considered to care for teenagers, an applicant needs to be at least 25 years old.
You do not need to be married to become a foster family - you can be single, divorced or cohabiting.
Marriage or partnerships
If you're in a partnership, it can mean:
- marriage
- civil partnership or stable living arrangement
We welcome enquiries from the LGBTQ+ community.
To become a foster carer, you will need to demonstrate that your partnership is stable, permanent and will be able to withstand the challenges that fostering can bring.
Single applicants
If you're single, this arrangement can be seen as a positive choice for some children.
You will need to consider your arrangements in the event of illness or being unable to look after the child.
Support network
All applicants will need to show that they have strong and supportive network of family and friends to call on when they need to.
If you have children with a previous partner, all your children (including adult children if they are grown up) will need to be interviewed as part of the fostering assessment process.
We will also discuss your ongoing involvement in their lives with you.
Who we'll speak to
It is our practice to contact all relevant previous partners whenever applicants have parented together, or:
- if you have been involved in a previous partnership regarded as of significance (i.e. which lasted for over a year and/or was a live-in arrangement, whether the care of children was included or not)
- if you have children with a previous partner or have cared for children within a previous partnership
What we will ask
The previous partner will be asked if they are aware of any cause for concern, about each applicant caring for a child or whether they have known them to be violent, abusive or negative.
It is appreciated that this is a sensitive matter which may raise issues of concern, but we are interested in establishing applicant's ability to parent.
We understand that some relationships do not end amicably and will take this into consideration.
If you do not want us to contact them
An applicant’s outright refusal for us to contact ex-partners may have an impact on whether we can progress or not with your application. Please do discuss any concerns with us as early as possible if this affects you or causes you anxiety.
However, in all but the most unusual circumstances we will expect to speak to ex-partners.
It is important to have a spare bedroom to accommodate a foster child.
If you live in rented accommodation, we're required to:
- check your tenancy agreement
- have a letter from the landlord showing that they're supportive of the tenants fostering
You will need to be in good health and able to manage the physical and emotional demands of caring for children.
Having a specific disability or medical condition will not necessarily prevent you from fostering. We will take advice from your doctor and the local authority Medical Advisor on your health and the possible implications for fostering.
If you smoke cigarettes or e-cigarettes, we will not place children with you who:
- are under 5 years old
- are vulnerable
- have learning or physical disabilities
Foster carers need to be available to meet the needs of the children in their care.
This can include:
- taking them to school
- attending meetings and other appointment
Foster carers also need to be available during school holidays to care for their foster child.
Having a job doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t foster. Applications from those who work from home, are self-employed or have flexible working arrangements will also be considered.
There are various foster care schemes that may be suitable for applicants' circumstances, including The Fostering Network’s Fostering Friendly workplace programme.

Get in touch
Reach out to our friendly fostering team.
You can call us or book a time and we'll call you back for an initial chat.